Jul 9, 2010
2010 Dick Martin Scholarship Winners
Description: CCOHS speaks with two of the 2010 Dick Martin Scholarship Winners.
Released: July 13, 2010
Availability: On Demand – Listen to it now!
File Size: 5.57 MB
Length: 6:05 minutes
Price: FREE!
My advice? YOU CAN GO TO COLLEGE BECAUSE THERE ARE SCHOLARSHIPS OUT THERE! The praivte colleges are rolling in dough, and they literally threw money at my son, a good but not Harvard-quality student, to attend their school. These are not even scholarships he applied for, just checked the box and applied in time to be considered. The midwest and south in particular were very generous. And if you don't get what you need, don't give up! We met with financial counselors at the schools, and in some cases, they were able to add even more dollars. We have paid $500 this year out of pocket for a $60,000 a year education (plus books).