Mar 22, 2013
Shirley Hickman shares her personal story of how losing her son in a workplace tragedy affected her life and inspired her to create the Threads of Life organization, which supports workers and their families who are affected by life-altering workplace injuries, illnesses and deaths.
Mar 11, 2013
Le personnel soignant et les travailleurs de la santé devant soulever des patients dans le cadre de leur travail quotidien peuvent être confrontés à des difficultés lorsqu'ils accomplissent cette tâche particulière. S'il est vrai que les dispositifs de levage mécaniques facilitent grandement le déplacement et...
Mar 11, 2013
Caregivers and healthcare workers who must lift patients as part of their daily job can face challenges with this particular task. While mechanical lifts make it much easier to move and lift patients and can help reduce the ergonomic risks associated with manual patient handling, they can also introduce other workplace...