Mar 17, 2020
There’s no escaping the fact that working at heights is risky. Every year, workers die or are injured as a result of falling from ladders, scaffolds, roofs or other elevations. In this episode, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) shares steps employers and workers can take to minimize the...
Mar 17, 2020
Il va de soi que le travail en hauteur comporte des risques. Chaque année, des travailleurs sont soit blessés, soit tués parce qu’ils sont tombés d’une échelle, d’un échafaudage, d’un toit ou d’un autre point surélevé. Dans cet épisode, le Centre canadien d’hygiène et de sécurité au travail...
Mar 9, 2020
Nanomaterials have many useful properties; however, the same properties that make them desirable in manufacturing present unique potential safety hazards that are possible when workers are exposed to them. In this episode, Todd Irick from OHCOW’s Nanotechnology and Health Network explains why nanotechnology is a...